Foundation sponsorship levels


The J. F. Ingram State Technical College Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting ISTC students and graduates.

Each year the Foundation provides ISTC graduates preparing to enter the workforce with tools and equipment, as well as funds to offset the costs of licensure and certification. Foundation personnel work closely with career technical instructors and employers to make sure graduates have the resources needed to succeed on the job.

The Foundation supports currently enrolled students by offsetting costs for a variety of industry recognized certifications including OSHA-10 hour safety, EPA refrigerant handling, MSSC Certified Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technician, and Microsoft Office Specialist.

Each spring, the Foundation sponsors a college-wide oratorical and visual arts contest. Students write poetry, give speeches, and create original art for the contest. Winners receive prizes and many are featured at college events.

Foundation Board Member